HTML sitemaps are essential for improving your website’s search engine visibility and user experience. You may greatly enhance your internet visibility by using an HTML sitemap, regardless of whether you use WordPress or Blogger. This thorough tutorial will walk you through the process of building HTML sitemap pages on both platforms and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Instruction to add Html Sitemap Page in Blogger:

Step1. Create Sitemap page.

Step2. Copy and paste the given Below code in Created Sitemap page in Html view.

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
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<div class='postSection sitemaps' id='sitemaps'>
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Instruction to add Html Sitemap Page in WordPress:

Step1. Download Simple Sitemap.

#1 Add Html Sitemap Page in Blogger and WordPress : Easily add Html Sitemap in your website

Step2. click to add new Sitemap page.

#1 Add Html Sitemap Page in Blogger and WordPress : Easily add Html Sitemap in your website

Step3. Create a Sitemap Page.

#1 Add Html Sitemap Page in Blogger and WordPress : Easily add Html Sitemap in your website

Step4. Click on Simple Sitemap.

#1 Add Html Sitemap Page in Blogger and WordPress : Easily add Html Sitemap in your website

Step5.  Select post, Click on Show Post type label or Enable sitemap links and then click on Publishing. 

#1 Add Html Sitemap Page in Blogger and WordPress : Easily add Html Sitemap in your website

Step6. Click on appearance, menu and then add Sitemap page in Menu.

#1 Add Html Sitemap Page in Blogger and WordPress : Easily add Html Sitemap in your website

Step7. Html Sitemap is added to your Site.

Blogger's HTML Sitemap Page Benefits:

1. Better Navigation for Users: Visitors will find it simpler to browse your blog with a well-organized HTML sitemap, particularly if you have a lot of pages and articles.

2. Optimization of Search Engines (SEO): Sitemaps are used by search engines to index and crawl your website. Search engines will find and index your material more quickly if you have an HTML sitemap.

3. Enhanced Availability: Users who might find it difficult to navigate your site using the standard menu may find an HTML sitemap to be a useful alternative.

4. Improved User Experience: A better overall user experience results from users being able to locate and access specific material with ease.

5. Promotes Deep Links: It promotes deep linking across your website, guaranteeing that all significant pages are indexed and readily available.

WordPress HTML Sitemap Page Benefits:

1. Benefits of SEO: Like other platforms, WordPress gains from having an HTML sitemap for better search engine optimization. It facilitates search engines’ comprehension of your website’s architecture.

2. Integration of Plugins: using WordPress, creating and managing HTML sitemaps is simple using a variety of SEO plugins.

3. Updates that happen automatically: When you add or remove content, several WordPress plugins can automatically update your HTML sitemap, saving you time and guaranteeing accuracy.

4. Interface That’s Easy to Use: WordPress plugins frequently offer an intuitive interface that even non-technical users may use to manage and customize your HTML sitemap.

5. Control in Indexing: You may prioritize key material for search engines by using some plugins that give you control over which pages appear in the sitemap.

6. Integrated XML Sitemap: WordPress frequently creates XML sitemaps by default; however, by catering to both search engines and human visitors, having an HTML equivalent complements this.

In conclusion, having an HTML sitemap page has several advantages, regardless of whether you use WordPress or Blogger. These advantages include better user experience and navigation as well as increased search engine optimization. It’s a useful tool to help search engines and consumers alike comprehend the design and content of your website.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1: How Frequently Should My HTML Sitemap Be Updated?
A: Updates on a regular basis are essential. Every time you add new material or make major structural adjustments to your website, try to update your HTML sitemap.

Q2: Is It Possible for Me to Design My HTML Sitemap Page Custom?

A2: Yes, you may alter the HTML sitemap page’s appearance to make it more in line with the general style and feel of your website.

Q3: Do Little Websites Need HTML Sitemaps?

A3: Yes, even little websites may benefit from using HTML sitemaps. They improve SEO and navigation on any size website.

Q4: Do HTML sitemaps affect how quickly a website loads?

A4: The loading time of HTML sitemaps that are properly optimized is not greatly affected. Make sure your sitemap is organized and light-weight.

Q5: What Are the HTML Sitemap Substitutes?

A5: Although HTML sitemaps are useful, search engine crawlers can also benefit from alternatives like XML sitemaps. Select the one that best suits the requirements of your website.

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One thought on “#1 Add Html Sitemap Page in Blogger and WordPress : Easily add Html Sitemap in your website”
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